
Legal and business problem solving tailored for startup, creative, and e-commerce ventures — venture finance, intellectual property, business structuring, and transactions.

All your venture's legal needs in one place


💰 Finance & Fundraising →

Raise debt and equity capital to help you start and grow your venture


🧠 Intellectual Property →

Protect and commercialize your IP and other creative or proprietary rights


🏗️ Business Organizations & Structuring →

Build an organization that aligns with your vision and goals


🤝 Transactions & Contracts →

Formalize your most important relationships in writing through written contracts

A seamless client service experience

1 - Discover

Explore your potential or actual legal challenges based on a holistic analysis of your venture, vision, and progress

2 - Strategize

Develop a customized strategic roadmap of potential outcomes, action items to overcome those challenges

3 - Execute

Execute the game plan one step at a time with a view towards achieving the defined outcomes

4 - Iterate

Re-examine everything if/when circumstances change and adjust our course of action as needed

Or... let's just get to work 💪

21781 Ventura Blvd #188A Woodland Hills, CA 91364


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